Recent Projects

Recent Projects.

We have been privileged to work on some interesting projects across Africa and worldwide.

Consultant for airborne magnetic , gravity & gravity gradient surveys, Algeria, Australia, Colombia, Congo Brazzaville, DR Congo, Honduras, Libya, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, N. Ireland, Oman, Petrogas, PNG, Spain, Sudan, Tunisia, Uganda, Yemen. For BG Group, CEPSA, Chevron-Texaco, Dominion Petroleum, Eaglewood Energy, Lonmin, OMV, PetroCanada, Shell, Sonatrach, SureStream, Wintershall, Woodside.

Aeromagnetic & Radiometric surveys. Reprocess and interpret the entire country coverage (with Amtec). For Ministry of Mines, Guinea. Specify, QC and interpret. For Brilliant Ventures, Congo Brazzaville. Interpret. For Earthstone, Mauritania (with IMC).

Consultant for airborne electromagnetic, magnetic and radiometric surveys in Ireland & Northern Ireland. For Geol. Survey of Ireland and Geol. Survey of Northern Ireland.

QC installation of airborne magnetic and radiometric instruments, and training of staff in running airborne surveys. For National Board for Development, Libya.

Airborne surveys in Mali. Biaxial gradient magnetometry, multi-channel radiometrics and time-domain electromagnetics. Ministère des Mines, de l’Energie et de l’Eau. Assist contractor selection; QC; contractor negotiation. EU-funded SYSMIN project. With IMC.

High resolution gravity and aeromagnetic survey in Murzuq Basin, Libya. Repsol Exploracion Murzuq S A. Tasks. Draft specifications and bid documents. Review bids for contractor selection. QC acquisition and processing. Interpretation. Formal and informal staff training.

Airborne survey in Mauritania employing triaxial gradient high resolution magnetometry and radiometrics. Target: kimberlites, base and precious metals. Rex Mining. Tasks: Negotiate specifications, QC acquisition and processing. Select Targets. Model ground follow-up data.

Others include:

  • Consulting on Channel Tunnel Rail Link: Health & Safety Executive, UK
  • Ground gravity survey design, QC & interpret, France. For Egdon
  • Consulting major survey project, Papua New Guinea. For EU (with CardNo)
  • Gold target delineation using Heliborne VTEM, Sierra Leone. For Cluff
  • Iron ore delineation with Heliborne Mag, Gamma ray, Liberia. For Amlib
  • Expert witness, gravity surveying: Bark & Co, Temple Bar
  • Training course on recent developments in G & M. At SAGA annual conference, Cape Town
  • Consulting, magnetic & radiometric surveys: British Geological Survey
  • Kimberlite interpretation of aeromagnetic and radiometric data: Tertiary Minerals
  • Gold interpretation of aeromagnetic and radiometric data. CAMEC plc
  • Training, EM survey methods, Ministère des Mines, Niger

Clients we have worked for: